
I'm Aditya Kumar Goel

a programmer / developer.


I am a B.Tech Sophomore. A tech Enthusiast/Explorer and an "IT Chameleon" ( I like that term ) as I adapt new technologies & environment with ease. I believe in smart work and also that patience is the key to efficiency. Experienced in Machine Learning Algorithms, Web Development and IOT.


My Skills

Machine Learning

I have worked around various ML algorithms covering numerous datascience projects using Python.
Tools & Frameworks: keras | pandas | tensorflow | numpy

Fullstack Web Developer

Keeping up with the latest trends in this domain.
HTML | CSS | NodeJS | MongoDB | SQL | Django


Built an IOT project right in my freshman year and it's been a journey ever since. Worked with Arduino Uno, RaspberryPi, Node MCU and a plethora of sensors.

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Get In Touch

If you are offering me a job or if there's anything I can build for you
Even if you just wanna talk about tech or grab a coffee!
Ping me :)

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© 2020 Aditya Kumar Goel.